I'm happy, Lord-
We're having good times
I'm on top of the world-
everything fine
Everyone speaks well of me
I'm a great Christian
I've got wisdom and knowledge
they respect me , Lord
I'm bright and joyful-
they think I'm perfect
Got it made, they say
about me!
I'm sad, Lord-
no one calls
I've been down-
I need a friend
I don't have it together
kind of messed up
Now, I'm not useful
not perfect anymore
They thought I had wisdom-
now I need a wise friend
Cuz, I'm down, Lord-
it's true, but...
Are you still here with me?
"I have promised to never leave you or forsake you!""cross my heart"
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Every Wise Woman Buildeth
"Every wise woman buildeth her house, but the foolish plucketh it down with her own hands"
Prov. 14:1
Ladies ,I am not a carpenter, but I've got a carpenter husband who builds gorgeous houses. We are in the middle of a major house renovation that will dazzle your eyes. I am really looking forward to see the finished product.
So, let's say we are at that point. The house is completed. It's done exactly according to the architectural drawing and I have a new kitchen, my china tea cups are in the glass china cabinet, I've got my antique pieces collected and above the piano is my favorite Monet picture of the woman in white sitting at the piano. All is perfect. The man did his job right! The man builded his house!
Here I am-the woman! "Honey, you forgot the Lazy Susan I wanted, and I really didn't want the countertop in that shade! Didn't you remember that the island needed curved corners so that the kids don't bump themselves? And besides that , I wanted a mirror in the bathroom so that I could see myself from all angles!"
The woman has begun! But, has she begun to build or to pluck down? Maybe she's been plucking down her house her whole life! It doesn't matter if you have a mansion or a delapidated old house- you can be a builder or a plucker!
Mom and I used to pluck chickens. The feathers don't come out instantly when you do it by hand. It takes a bit of time. Plucking down your house takes time, but with each nag, or negative spirit, or yell at the kids ( in anger ), the beauty of thew home disappears. We do need to get after our kids! Of course! We can't let them run loose like a wild horse! They need the rod of correction , but not the whip of anger!
The wise woman-Wisdom! The Bible seems to talk alot about Wisdom! Wisdom builds on the Rock. The house built on the Rock of Jesus. Yet, the Christian woman struggles with her tongue. We STRUGGLE with ou tongue!! "The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright".
Even we as Christian women lack knowledge, lack wisdom. It seems we go along OK, until BANG , something goes wrong, highly gets on our nerves, doesn't go our way, or someone says something negative about MY CHILD-- then the foolish woman, which has been me at times, yells at her husband about that horrible person who dared to say a negative thing about MY CHILD!!
There's the foolish woman bringing destruction, upsetness, sadness, etc. to her house.
The man has done all he can with materials from everywhere, to make an eyecatching, eyepleasing home- and the woman tears it down.
Sometimes, a whole day of going around the house, singing "Keep my tongue from evil, keep my tongue"- wouldn't be a bad idea!!
But, we can't do it, unless we have the "WANT TO" and the asking of Jesus or pleading HELP, HELP!
If you want to be a Builder and not a Plucker, and you determine to change, and work on it, plus praying for help and even fasting for that reason, God will honor that and help you and me!
Remember also, when you fail, confess it, then praise God for giving you another chance!
Prov. 14:1
Ladies ,I am not a carpenter, but I've got a carpenter husband who builds gorgeous houses. We are in the middle of a major house renovation that will dazzle your eyes. I am really looking forward to see the finished product.
So, let's say we are at that point. The house is completed. It's done exactly according to the architectural drawing and I have a new kitchen, my china tea cups are in the glass china cabinet, I've got my antique pieces collected and above the piano is my favorite Monet picture of the woman in white sitting at the piano. All is perfect. The man did his job right! The man builded his house!
Here I am-the woman! "Honey, you forgot the Lazy Susan I wanted, and I really didn't want the countertop in that shade! Didn't you remember that the island needed curved corners so that the kids don't bump themselves? And besides that , I wanted a mirror in the bathroom so that I could see myself from all angles!"
The woman has begun! But, has she begun to build or to pluck down? Maybe she's been plucking down her house her whole life! It doesn't matter if you have a mansion or a delapidated old house- you can be a builder or a plucker!
Mom and I used to pluck chickens. The feathers don't come out instantly when you do it by hand. It takes a bit of time. Plucking down your house takes time, but with each nag, or negative spirit, or yell at the kids ( in anger ), the beauty of thew home disappears. We do need to get after our kids! Of course! We can't let them run loose like a wild horse! They need the rod of correction , but not the whip of anger!
The wise woman-Wisdom! The Bible seems to talk alot about Wisdom! Wisdom builds on the Rock. The house built on the Rock of Jesus. Yet, the Christian woman struggles with her tongue. We STRUGGLE with ou tongue!! "The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright".
Even we as Christian women lack knowledge, lack wisdom. It seems we go along OK, until BANG , something goes wrong, highly gets on our nerves, doesn't go our way, or someone says something negative about MY CHILD-- then the foolish woman, which has been me at times, yells at her husband about that horrible person who dared to say a negative thing about MY CHILD!!
There's the foolish woman bringing destruction, upsetness, sadness, etc. to her house.
The man has done all he can with materials from everywhere, to make an eyecatching, eyepleasing home- and the woman tears it down.
Sometimes, a whole day of going around the house, singing "Keep my tongue from evil, keep my tongue"- wouldn't be a bad idea!!
But, we can't do it, unless we have the "WANT TO" and the asking of Jesus or pleading HELP, HELP!
If you want to be a Builder and not a Plucker, and you determine to change, and work on it, plus praying for help and even fasting for that reason, God will honor that and help you and me!
Remember also, when you fail, confess it, then praise God for giving you another chance!
Christmas Poem: Who is Jesus?
It's Christmastime once again
A time of joy and not of pain
We celebrate, exchange our gifts
Expect to have some big snowdrifts
We go to church, this once a year
Set aside Al Qaeda fears
Bow our knee to Christ the King
Silent Night to Him we sing
But do we really understand
The secrets of the angel band
How Christ has lived eternally
How He shall come back finally
How Jesus died so we can be
Set free from carnality
Free from sin and Satan's rule
No more his pawn, no more his tool
And yet there's more to comprehend
So to this Christ our knee we'll bend
Repent, be baptized in His name
You'll never, ever be the same
Receive His spirit, speak in tongues
Joy will bubble from your lungs
Merry Christmas, one and all
May joyful Mem'ries you recall!
A time of joy and not of pain
We celebrate, exchange our gifts
Expect to have some big snowdrifts
We go to church, this once a year
Set aside Al Qaeda fears
Bow our knee to Christ the King
Silent Night to Him we sing
But do we really understand
The secrets of the angel band
How Christ has lived eternally
How He shall come back finally
How Jesus died so we can be
Set free from carnality
Free from sin and Satan's rule
No more his pawn, no more his tool
And yet there's more to comprehend
So to this Christ our knee we'll bend
Repent, be baptized in His name
You'll never, ever be the same
Receive His spirit, speak in tongues
Joy will bubble from your lungs
Merry Christmas, one and all
May joyful Mem'ries you recall!
Friday, July 01, 2005
I forget that life is short
I forget that people are more important than things
I forget that God is my Father and has promised to supply my every need
I forget that my neighbours and friends still are not saved.
Help me oh, Lord to remember eternity
Help me oh, Lord to relax and trust you.
Forgive me Lord, for my many failures.
I do love you, Jesus!
I forget that life is short
I forget that people are more important than things
I forget that God is my Father and has promised to supply my every need
I forget that my neighbours and friends still are not saved.
Help me oh, Lord to remember eternity
Help me oh, Lord to relax and trust you.
Forgive me Lord, for my many failures.
I do love you, Jesus!
The Longings of the Soul
The Psalmist David cries out "Oh, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men." , "Oh, that I had the wings of a dove that I might fly away to be with you". Oh, yes there are deep lonings of the soul. Each of us at this point has various lonings of the soul.
Whether you love the Lord or not, your soul cries out to be fed. You soul yearns to have "rest", to be in completion, to be healthy.
We get so many hurts and bruises in life, some caused by ourselves, our own mistakes, our own sin, some caused by others who wanted to hurt us, some caused unintentionally by those that love us, some caused because there is sin in this world, therefore people get sick and people die.
Oh, the longings of the soul deep within us. "For He satisfieth the longing soul and filleth the hungry soul with goodness."
The longings of the soul can be deadened, put out like a fire dies, and sometimes we ourselves pour water on the fire and kill it. For our soul's longings, we sometimes say, "No, Lord, you ask too much of me." That's the first time we say this, but it may become a habit until at last the Spirit of the Lord is hushed, and He quietens down within your soul. " Quench not the Spirit".
Quenching a fire in the forest or in your wood stove means to drown it or to kill it. Someone said, " My soul shall never find its rest until it finds its rest in THEE." Ah, that's the way God made us. We'll never be satisfied, we'll never be at rest until we find our peace with God through Jesus Christ. We'll never truly be happy until we are in His will for us.
First, His will is "that all might be saved and come to the knowledge of God". Then there is the living for God, the serving God, the obedience to His will for our lives.
We can be saved and run from God like Jonah did, but the result of his flight was to be swallowed by a big fish. ........ Not too pleasant!!
Whether you love the Lord or not, your soul cries out to be fed. You soul yearns to have "rest", to be in completion, to be healthy.
We get so many hurts and bruises in life, some caused by ourselves, our own mistakes, our own sin, some caused by others who wanted to hurt us, some caused unintentionally by those that love us, some caused because there is sin in this world, therefore people get sick and people die.
Oh, the longings of the soul deep within us. "For He satisfieth the longing soul and filleth the hungry soul with goodness."
The longings of the soul can be deadened, put out like a fire dies, and sometimes we ourselves pour water on the fire and kill it. For our soul's longings, we sometimes say, "No, Lord, you ask too much of me." That's the first time we say this, but it may become a habit until at last the Spirit of the Lord is hushed, and He quietens down within your soul. " Quench not the Spirit".
Quenching a fire in the forest or in your wood stove means to drown it or to kill it. Someone said, " My soul shall never find its rest until it finds its rest in THEE." Ah, that's the way God made us. We'll never be satisfied, we'll never be at rest until we find our peace with God through Jesus Christ. We'll never truly be happy until we are in His will for us.
First, His will is "that all might be saved and come to the knowledge of God". Then there is the living for God, the serving God, the obedience to His will for our lives.
We can be saved and run from God like Jonah did, but the result of his flight was to be swallowed by a big fish. ........ Not too pleasant!!
Other Be: Attitudes
1. Be all of one mind
2.Be compassionate one of another
3.Be loving
4.Be sympathetic
5.Be courteous
6.Be full of blessing to others
7.Be careful what you say
8.Be wise and do good
9.Be seeking and practising peace
10.Be a follower of good
11.Be happy if you suffer for righteousness
12.Be not afraid of the enemy
13.Be not troubled by the enemy
14.Be careful to have Jesus in your heart
15.Be ready to give your testimony to anyone
16.Be leading a good life in Christ
17.Be willing to suffer for Christ
18.Be Baptized in Jesus name, so you can have a good conscience toward God because your
sins are washed away.
I Peter 3
2.Be compassionate one of another
3.Be loving
4.Be sympathetic
5.Be courteous
6.Be full of blessing to others
7.Be careful what you say
8.Be wise and do good
9.Be seeking and practising peace
10.Be a follower of good
11.Be happy if you suffer for righteousness
12.Be not afraid of the enemy
13.Be not troubled by the enemy
14.Be careful to have Jesus in your heart
15.Be ready to give your testimony to anyone
16.Be leading a good life in Christ
17.Be willing to suffer for Christ
18.Be Baptized in Jesus name, so you can have a good conscience toward God because your
sins are washed away.
I Peter 3
Source of Life
Looking up into the bare trees one winter day wlile lying in the snow, I started to think of those trees, wondering how the tips of the branches way on top could stay living, looking vibrant and alive.
In my ponderings I realized that the source of nourishment didn't lye in any of the branches, but way, way down in the roots. The roots would soak up the water and gain nourishment from the earth and thewn send life up through the sap.
I started to think of the tree planted by the river of water, in the Bible and how Jesus showed us that we need to stay attached to the tree in order to get life. We, like branches, need to stay attached to the source of Life or we begin to die.
The branches on our yard that are dying , we throw on the burn pile. Our source of Life , as Christians, is in Jesus, and we need to stay attached firmly in Him.
Basically we are nothing without Him, but in Jesus, we blossom or bloom, become big branches or little branches, whatever He has for us.
He is our Life, our source of strength, our hope, and if we are attached to Jesus, we shall see Him someday and be with Him eternally. Jan/'99
In my ponderings I realized that the source of nourishment didn't lye in any of the branches, but way, way down in the roots. The roots would soak up the water and gain nourishment from the earth and thewn send life up through the sap.
I started to think of the tree planted by the river of water, in the Bible and how Jesus showed us that we need to stay attached to the tree in order to get life. We, like branches, need to stay attached to the source of Life or we begin to die.
The branches on our yard that are dying , we throw on the burn pile. Our source of Life , as Christians, is in Jesus, and we need to stay attached firmly in Him.
Basically we are nothing without Him, but in Jesus, we blossom or bloom, become big branches or little branches, whatever He has for us.
He is our Life, our source of strength, our hope, and if we are attached to Jesus, we shall see Him someday and be with Him eternally. Jan/'99
Friday, March 25, 2005
By Grace are Ye Saved!
Hallelujah- by God"s Grace we are saved from the wicked power of the Devil. We are snatched from Satan's grasp when we are saved. We have fowle Satan's plan when we step into and accept the eternal plan God has for those He created.
God created us for Himself. Satan did not create us. He has never given us anything good- nothing to bring us true fulfillment, joy and peace- only a temporary fling that leaves someone hurting. Satan has given us freedom to kill babies, to divorce and remarry leaving behind hurting children, freedom to fulfill sexual pleasure and leave behind hurting hearts, to steal belongings so we can have, but others are left without, to argue, to gossip , to slander,- ah, even within the church! But God created us for His good pleasure- for Himself. To know Jesus Christ- to know Him!
But we are sinners. We are in Satan's camp. We belong to Satan until we are redeemed. By God's grace are we saved. Jesus paid the ransome price long ago. 2000 yrs ago He hung on the cross that I should have hung on for my sin, but He did it instead of me, for me. He has infinite grace- beyond anything we can imagine.
We are so wicked we could never get near heaven. The people at the Tower of Babel tried to get near heaven- they were judged. Transendental Meditation people try to meditate into perfection. Many give to charities, many give lots of money to the poor. etc- but God Himself in His Word the BIBLE, which is the only TRUTH- inerrant- said," not by works of righteousness"> :There is none righteous, no not one"
So, here we are! YOU and ME. We understand that God is full of grace. So, then all of mankind will be saved, right? All religions will be saved because Jesus paid the price for our salvation 2000 yrs ago, so now it doesn't matter what you do since works are obsolete and after all, it's by Grace we are saved- the gift of God, not by our works. Right? Oh, but we must look at God's complete book. God gave us the whole Bible, not just 2 verses, and the rest being just a nice story.
John 1:12 #1 as many as received HIM
#2 them that believed
John 3:18#2 them that believed
John3:5 #3 we must be born of the spirit
#4 we must be born of the water
Rom 10:5#5 confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus
#1 believe
1 John 1:9#1 confess your sins
What I see in scripture alot is that God wants us to believe in Him. Many people who are very worldly believe in God. But, belief is where it starts. If you can't even believe that God created you, and that He really sent Jesus to die for your sin, you can't proceed any further. End of discussion. But, my Beloved - as John would say- if you chose to believe let's go on.
The next step is hard because many are too proud. We must confess with our mouth " I am a sinner. There is no good in me. I need to receive the gift of salvation which Jesus bought on the cross of calvary" Many faithful church goers have gone this far and just love the Lord Jesus so very much. They give to the church their time, money and talent. They witness, they fear for the lost who are going to hell. Yet Jesus told Nicodemus even more. Let's go on. Proceed.
"EXcept ye be born of the water and of the Spirit, ye cannot enter the kingdom of God" Cannot, it says. Now, Nicodemus was a good man. He believed in Jesus- he said," We know that thou art a teacher come from God" . Jesus said basically " Nicodemus, there's more- the water and the Spirit". Let's go to Cornelius. I like that story because so many of us were brought up in good traditional churches. Our churches took us to Belief and to confession.
Acts 10:1- Cornelius #1 a devout man #2 feared God #3 all his household feared God #4 gave alms - money to the people #5 He prayed to God continually #6 a just man of good report among all the nation of the Jews #7 He fasted for 4 days #8 He was open to hear and obey more from God. What a good man- even taught his whole household- children , wife , servants, and soldiers which served him, to fear God. Cornelius said to Peter," Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded you of God". As Pter preachad to them, the Holy Ghost fell on all themwhich heard the word. They spoke with Tongues and Magnified God. Then they were Baptized in water in the name of Jesus. So , here you have the water and the Spirit which Jesus talked about to Nicodemus.
#1 Believe #2 Confess your sin #3 Baptism of the Holy Ghost when you speak in Tongues #4 Baptism in water in the name of Jesus our Lord.
By Grace are ye saved, It is the Gift of God. Not of Works, lest any should boast. This plan God has for us is truly by His Grace on us who belonged or still belong to Satan. Isn't God Gracious? He loves us so much! Let's thank Him for His plan, and let's receive His plan for us, for you and for me!!!
God created us for Himself. Satan did not create us. He has never given us anything good- nothing to bring us true fulfillment, joy and peace- only a temporary fling that leaves someone hurting. Satan has given us freedom to kill babies, to divorce and remarry leaving behind hurting children, freedom to fulfill sexual pleasure and leave behind hurting hearts, to steal belongings so we can have, but others are left without, to argue, to gossip , to slander,- ah, even within the church! But God created us for His good pleasure- for Himself. To know Jesus Christ- to know Him!
But we are sinners. We are in Satan's camp. We belong to Satan until we are redeemed. By God's grace are we saved. Jesus paid the ransome price long ago. 2000 yrs ago He hung on the cross that I should have hung on for my sin, but He did it instead of me, for me. He has infinite grace- beyond anything we can imagine.
We are so wicked we could never get near heaven. The people at the Tower of Babel tried to get near heaven- they were judged. Transendental Meditation people try to meditate into perfection. Many give to charities, many give lots of money to the poor. etc- but God Himself in His Word the BIBLE, which is the only TRUTH- inerrant- said," not by works of righteousness"> :There is none righteous, no not one"
So, here we are! YOU and ME. We understand that God is full of grace. So, then all of mankind will be saved, right? All religions will be saved because Jesus paid the price for our salvation 2000 yrs ago, so now it doesn't matter what you do since works are obsolete and after all, it's by Grace we are saved- the gift of God, not by our works. Right? Oh, but we must look at God's complete book. God gave us the whole Bible, not just 2 verses, and the rest being just a nice story.
John 1:12 #1 as many as received HIM
#2 them that believed
John 3:18#2 them that believed
John3:5 #3 we must be born of the spirit
#4 we must be born of the water
Rom 10:5#5 confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus
#1 believe
1 John 1:9#1 confess your sins
What I see in scripture alot is that God wants us to believe in Him. Many people who are very worldly believe in God. But, belief is where it starts. If you can't even believe that God created you, and that He really sent Jesus to die for your sin, you can't proceed any further. End of discussion. But, my Beloved - as John would say- if you chose to believe let's go on.
The next step is hard because many are too proud. We must confess with our mouth " I am a sinner. There is no good in me. I need to receive the gift of salvation which Jesus bought on the cross of calvary" Many faithful church goers have gone this far and just love the Lord Jesus so very much. They give to the church their time, money and talent. They witness, they fear for the lost who are going to hell. Yet Jesus told Nicodemus even more. Let's go on. Proceed.
"EXcept ye be born of the water and of the Spirit, ye cannot enter the kingdom of God" Cannot, it says. Now, Nicodemus was a good man. He believed in Jesus- he said," We know that thou art a teacher come from God" . Jesus said basically " Nicodemus, there's more- the water and the Spirit". Let's go to Cornelius. I like that story because so many of us were brought up in good traditional churches. Our churches took us to Belief and to confession.
Acts 10:1- Cornelius #1 a devout man #2 feared God #3 all his household feared God #4 gave alms - money to the people #5 He prayed to God continually #6 a just man of good report among all the nation of the Jews #7 He fasted for 4 days #8 He was open to hear and obey more from God. What a good man- even taught his whole household- children , wife , servants, and soldiers which served him, to fear God. Cornelius said to Peter," Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded you of God". As Pter preachad to them, the Holy Ghost fell on all themwhich heard the word. They spoke with Tongues and Magnified God. Then they were Baptized in water in the name of Jesus. So , here you have the water and the Spirit which Jesus talked about to Nicodemus.
#1 Believe #2 Confess your sin #3 Baptism of the Holy Ghost when you speak in Tongues #4 Baptism in water in the name of Jesus our Lord.
By Grace are ye saved, It is the Gift of God. Not of Works, lest any should boast. This plan God has for us is truly by His Grace on us who belonged or still belong to Satan. Isn't God Gracious? He loves us so much! Let's thank Him for His plan, and let's receive His plan for us, for you and for me!!!
God's Will
"Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God!" Col.1:1
Wow! That's a statement all by itself! Paul was doing what he was doing , because it was God's will. Paul had found out what the will of God was for his life and he had yielded to it , and was doing it! Paul didn't havean easy life! All that hunger, travel by foot or donkey, ship-wreck, persecution, but, he said "Count it all joy my brethren ( or sisters)". He said, I do it all for the cross of Christ, that I may know Him. Paul was quite a guy- yes, but I am a woman. Here's you and me - women- yet, there is a verse- "There is now neither male nor female". In Christ, Jesus looks at us women on the same level as men!! Hallelujah! Shout for joy, women! Jesus loves you as much as He does Paul. Go ahead - Do a jig! Going back to the verse Col.1:1- are you doing God's will? Are you following what God wants for you? Sure, service is not salvation, but we do show Him how much we love Him by doing something good for someone. What about a cup of water in Jesus Name? What about bronies for that obnoxious neighbour, or prayer for the Tsunami victims or $$? What about prayer for the poor girls caught in child slavery or again $$ If you are a working Woman or an at home mother, God wants to use you! If you are in a wheelchair, God can still use you to phone someone and say " I"ve been thinking about you! You've been on my heart lately!" Come on Ladies, let's get busy doing what God's will is for each of us! Then, we'll count it all joy, cuz we're doing it in HIS NAME! Remember the song" When will the world see that we love Jesus".
Wow! That's a statement all by itself! Paul was doing what he was doing , because it was God's will. Paul had found out what the will of God was for his life and he had yielded to it , and was doing it! Paul didn't havean easy life! All that hunger, travel by foot or donkey, ship-wreck, persecution, but, he said "Count it all joy my brethren ( or sisters)". He said, I do it all for the cross of Christ, that I may know Him. Paul was quite a guy- yes, but I am a woman. Here's you and me - women- yet, there is a verse- "There is now neither male nor female". In Christ, Jesus looks at us women on the same level as men!! Hallelujah! Shout for joy, women! Jesus loves you as much as He does Paul. Go ahead - Do a jig! Going back to the verse Col.1:1- are you doing God's will? Are you following what God wants for you? Sure, service is not salvation, but we do show Him how much we love Him by doing something good for someone. What about a cup of water in Jesus Name? What about bronies for that obnoxious neighbour, or prayer for the Tsunami victims or $$? What about prayer for the poor girls caught in child slavery or again $$ If you are a working Woman or an at home mother, God wants to use you! If you are in a wheelchair, God can still use you to phone someone and say " I"ve been thinking about you! You've been on my heart lately!" Come on Ladies, let's get busy doing what God's will is for each of us! Then, we'll count it all joy, cuz we're doing it in HIS NAME! Remember the song" When will the world see that we love Jesus".
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Just Do It!
Herein is no choice-Just do it!!
-Let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth
-only speak that which is
:ministers grace
-Do not grieve the Holy Spirit
-Put away all bitterness
all wrath
all anger
all clamor
all evil speaking
all malice
-Be kind
-Be tenderhearted
-Be forgiving
We must not choose whether or not to do these things. These are commands just as well as commands like "Be Born again." God says, "Do it", but He doesn't ask us to obey in our own strength. DO IT, in His strength, by His Spirit.
-Let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth
-only speak that which is
:ministers grace
-Do not grieve the Holy Spirit
-Put away all bitterness
all wrath
all anger
all clamor
all evil speaking
all malice
-Be kind
-Be tenderhearted
-Be forgiving
We must not choose whether or not to do these things. These are commands just as well as commands like "Be Born again." God says, "Do it", but He doesn't ask us to obey in our own strength. DO IT, in His strength, by His Spirit.
One God
To the Jew, He is: One God
To the Muslim, He is : One God
To the New Testament Church, He is: One God
Therefore God has been or should be seen as the same to all three groups--
God is: merciful- plentious in mercy
to be prayed to daily
Ready to forgive
a listening God, to my prayers
answers prayer
a God of great works
Creator of all
the One whom we worship
the One who we glorify
the Only God
does wonderous things
to be feared- obeyed
to be praised
My God
the Lord
a deliverer of my soul from hell
full of compassion
plentious in Truth
gives us strength
My Comforter
My Helper
taken from Psalm 86 in the Bible
To the Muslim, He is : One God
To the New Testament Church, He is: One God
Therefore God has been or should be seen as the same to all three groups--
God is: merciful- plentious in mercy
to be prayed to daily
Ready to forgive
a listening God, to my prayers
answers prayer
a God of great works
Creator of all
the One whom we worship
the One who we glorify
the Only God
does wonderous things
to be feared- obeyed
to be praised
My God
the Lord
a deliverer of my soul from hell
full of compassion
plentious in Truth
gives us strength
My Comforter
My Helper
taken from Psalm 86 in the Bible
Poem: Christ is for all (Easter)
The day that Jesus died for me,
I could have cried-for on that tree
He hung ands bled in agony
To save us all from Satan's Hell,
So we could ring the living bell of Joy.
Now when I die, I'll go to heaven
To live eternally on high,
In God's great mansion, made of gold
But when that is I am not told.
Twill be such joy to see Him there,
So all His glory we can share.
Christ didn't die for only me,
He died so all His glory could see.
Confess your sins to God above
And He shall give you Peace and Love.
He'll never leave you nor forsake
So, pray and confess your big mistake.
I could have cried-for on that tree
He hung ands bled in agony
To save us all from Satan's Hell,
So we could ring the living bell of Joy.
Now when I die, I'll go to heaven
To live eternally on high,
In God's great mansion, made of gold
But when that is I am not told.
Twill be such joy to see Him there,
So all His glory we can share.
Christ didn't die for only me,
He died so all His glory could see.
Confess your sins to God above
And He shall give you Peace and Love.
He'll never leave you nor forsake
So, pray and confess your big mistake.
Poem: Seek ye the Lord? (Easter)
Whom do you seek?
Why are you here?
The tomb now stands empty
But you stand in fear.
Yea, sir we seek Him
Who lay mid the wraps
We came to bring spices
See here in our laps?
But, sir He's been stolen
They took Him away
Do you know His whereabouts?
They took Him today!
Mary, Dear Mary
See here, it is I!
Oh, Master Rabboni
You're alive, yet did die.
Today many seek Him
But many give up
We must seek 'til we find Him
Let Him fill our cup.
Jesus said, " I am the Resurrection and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by ME!"
Why are you here?
The tomb now stands empty
But you stand in fear.
Yea, sir we seek Him
Who lay mid the wraps
We came to bring spices
See here in our laps?
But, sir He's been stolen
They took Him away
Do you know His whereabouts?
They took Him today!
Mary, Dear Mary
See here, it is I!
Oh, Master Rabboni
You're alive, yet did die.
Today many seek Him
But many give up
We must seek 'til we find Him
Let Him fill our cup.
Jesus said, " I am the Resurrection and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by ME!"
Thursday, February 24, 2005
It's me! I'm on the WEB!

This fantastic idea came to me last fall of having my own web site! It will not be anything amazingly beautiful, but my aim is to inspire you to new heights of thought and of living. I am a Christian so my views will be affected by the Bible and yet if you are not a believer, I still believe I can inspire you! Also I want to share recipes, sermons (ha, ha) I have written, and maybe even poems and songs that I have written over the last 30 years. Basically it's BITS of inspiration. So, keep tuning in at least every 2 weeks and I will try not to disappoint you. Oh, yes a verse to memorize--Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ -Phil. 1:2
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