Sunday, September 24, 2006

poem: JOY

In your presence, Lord I find
Happiness, joy, peace of mind
Following the way you lead
Help me, Father, this I plead
Not my will, but thine be done
Glorifying your dear Son

Camping in your ray of light
Ever brings me sheer delight
When the road gets rough I know
Special grace He will bestow
Planted in this heart of mine
Is joy, that makes me feel just fine.

poem: It's hard, Lord

At times it seems we travel on
A road that's much too rough
At times it seems the way too steep
The path too hard and tough

And more than that there's hail and wind
There's sleet and rain and snow
How can we stand against the gail
When tempests start to blow?

Then we must look to Jesus
And read His Word each day
So He can help us understand
Just why it is this way.

Oft' times we need the discipline
God's loving hand imparts
To set us on the path of life
We followed at the start

There's other times He wants to teach
Us patience, love, and care
So, when there's someone else in need
His comfort we can share.

poem: Enduring Joy

The fig trees didn't bloom this year
The grape vines bore no fruit
The labor of the olives failed
The seed crops did not root

No bleating of the sheep is heard
No baby lambs were born
The cattle stalls are empty
The manger looks forlorn

Yet, still, my Father I rejoice
In Thee, my special Friend
For this I know, my Joy in You
Will go on without end

The Lord my God shall be my strength
He gives me energy
To walk the heights and run the race
His Truth sets me free
Habakkuk 3:17-19

poem: The Forgotten Ones

The wind howls
The dust flies
And from within the hut
A dying baby cries

Helpless and defenseless
sitting by her side
The mother's heart aches
Still she must abide

Is there no one out there, they cry
Who cares about our plight
When day by day we hunger
And live with constant fright?

You who say your Father
Owns much cattle and much sheep
Will you share your riches
And then His blessing reap?

( My husband and I sponsor 6 children in India through World Vision. Anyone can sponsor a child for only $30.00 a month. )

Safety for Your Soul

The time is coming when the "latter days" shall be. The Last Days before the heavens and earth pass away and all things as we see them now, will change. Time shall be no more. Eternity will begin - all our griefs will finally end. Satan will come on strongly in the very end. The Angel of Death will pass over the earth seeking to devour , and only those who are protected by the Blood of Jesus will be safe.
The question is - Do we want to be totally Safe - just like in the time of the Passover in Egypt? It seems the world of Christianity is playing the casino game - gambling with the eternal situation. We don't need to gamble - we must not gamble with our souls - eternity is swiftly coming.
The Bible says we can be sure of our salvation. Do we want to be sure God's Way or do we want to gamble OUR way? The sure way is "Repent and be Baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost" Acts 2:38. Also after that, there is still safety to be practised.
Do you want to be safe from Satan? Pray Ephesians 6:18 ; fast Matthew 6:16-18 ; go to church Hebrews 10:25; children obey parents Ephesians 6:1; wives submit to husbands 1 Peter 3:1; husbands submit to God; dress modestly 1 Peter 3:3-6 ; Read the Bible Psalm 119:11; women grow your hair and don't cut it ICorinthians 11:5-15; men cut your hair 1Corinthians 11:14.
You DO NOT HAVE TO DO THESE THINGS! You don't have to do anything. God gives you your total freedom - freedom of choice - BUT - there are consequences when we don't do like God says. I, personally don't want to go against what God says in His Word. Why obey one part of the Bible and not the rest?
Jesus is coming - I believe it is very soon. I don't want to risk missing heaven. I don't want to give Satan an open door in my life. I want to be SAFE, God's Way. Choice - The Choice is Yours!!

What kind of God do you have?

I'll tell you what kind of god I have! I have the kind of God that surprises you - that does things differently than you expected - that does things considering the lasting value of the act - that does things with eternity in view - that does things knowing the whole picture even behind the scenes of what others actually see - that knows all the hearts of men, all the 6 billion alive today and all those already dead - that plans for the future and has planned since before the earth existed - whose mercy is so great that He would have even forgiven Judas if only Judas had asked - whose mercy is so deep , beyond anything we have experienced from any human - who applies the fruits of the Spirit in a perfect way in all situations - whose thoughts are far beyond our imagination - whose creativity is much more interesting than the best painting in any gallery or more interesting than the best novel you have ever read, and yet.......
He was Bruised
He was Wounded
He was Whipped
He was Stabbed
He was Despised
He was Rejected
He was Smitten
He was Oppressed
He was Afflicted
He knew Sorrow
He knew Grief
He knew Agony
He bore ALL our Sin

And then He died , but...
then He Rose from death and conquered it! Why?
- for the Joy that lay before Him, the excitement , the anticipation , the sheer ecstasy of living eternally in His Home with YOU!!!