Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Prayer for Marriage: by Donna Marcialli

September 6 , 2006 Marriage retreat

Lord Jesus, God I thank you for your unique and complex way of thinking that is so much higher than ours. Lord, I thank you for the potential that is in this room today. I thank you for the legacies that are in the womb in this room today, for the potential you have placed in the hearts and minds of these people. Lord, I thank you. Lord, I feel such a strong sense in the spirit , Lord that we are bringing about a moment of peace, where we look at each other in the eye, knowing that we are partners for a reason. We have something to offer to one another. Lord Jesus I pray that we would begin to hear the music. I pray God that we would hear the music, the music we first heard when we met and we were willing to give up our Saturdays, and it made us want to give up our free time, made us want to be with someone, because there was something , there was a missing piece in our heart that they filled. I pray , God , let us forget about our diversity. Let us lay our diversity down. Lord, let us pick up the hand of our partner, and let us hear the music and start to dance. I pray, oh God for your love to flow. I pray for that perfect love , that you said,"I will go to the cross, so that they may live. I lay down my life so that they may have life". Lord Jesus you gave us your Spirit, so that we could emulate that in our homes. You want to bless us. You don't want to curse us. You want us to inherit your blessings. Lord your blessings come where there is unity, where there is harmony. Lord, there is a cinergistic partnership that happens when we're unified in our diversity. I pray, in Jesus name for a blessing upon them. I pray, open their hearts and minds to one another. Lord, I pray against these relationships that are outside our marriages that are pulling at us. Men , telling their friends what they ought to do to their wives, and women telling their friends what they ought to do to their husbands. In these destructive kinds of relationships that are in our lives, I pray that you would sever that from us today. I pray, oh God, let us move close together in commitment one to each other. Lord Jesus, I pray, forgive us of our emotional cheating, the kinds of betrayals, that if our wives or husbands knew what we said behind their backs, that they would be devastated. I pray, Dear God that you would forgive us. Let us move together in that beautiful dance, because we have children that depend upon us, but most of all because we have eternity ahead of us, and you Oh, Lord are looking down at your crowning creation, our marriage. It's more important than the President of the United States. It's more important than the Senate. It's more important than the nation or the King. It's more important than any authority in the world. Marriage was your crowning creation. And it is what you said you were like. You were like the Bridegroom and the church is like the Bride, because the Bride and the Bridegroom are your greatest and most important crowning creation. We are beautiful in your sight, today. We submit to one another, as unto the Lord, because you are looking down on us. We're not just doing what we want to do today, but we are submitted to you today, oh God. I pray blessings will flow, that the doors of heaven will be opened, that windows will be open, when we get in line with the divine order of the family , and the family of God, looking into your face, knowing that you are blessing our marriage. In Jesus name, in Jesus name, AMEN.
Lord, I commit today to listen more. I commit oh, Lord to care more. I commit Lord to be a better me, because my years are slipping by. My eyesight is growing dim. My mind don't think like it used to. God, I don't have a lot of time left. When I look at my past, Lord, I want to be a better me. I want to face you with everything that you really dreamed that I could be. Lord, you are looking at my marriage, and you've got so many great plans for us. Lord Jesus, I pray God I want to be a better me from this day forward. I commit to you. I commit to my spouse today. I want to be a better me. I know you are looking at me. You're looking at my marriage. It's not hidden from you. I pray you will bless them indeed. Lord, let something be born that's been planted in their hearts even in the last few minutes. God, I look forward to seeing the fruit of the womb that's been planted today. In the name of Jesus.

Monday, April 09, 2007

The Gift of God

" For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, so that no one mat boast." Ephesians 2:8,9 NES
The gift of God - salvation, freedom from sin through Christ's death and resurrection, joy, peace, a new spiritual family, a reason to live, a home in heaven! All these are a gift of God! and yet, how hard we "work" to get them! We often act as though, we are the ones giving ourselves the works we are doing!
Let me be a little blunt! We often talk negatively about other groups and say "they are trying to work their way to heaven." Or we critisize one group or another for what they do! What do we do in our own lives in our own churches, adding to Christ's death and resurrection? What do I do in my own life , adding to the cross of Christ?
Did He not say, "It is finished"? I'm sure that those three words mean so much more than I understand...but when someone says, "It's done" "I'm done" or "It is finished", it means its complete! All that God was moving humanity forward to through history, was completed in Christ's death on the cross. His plan was not just for you to have a good life, but to be whole, complete in Him.
I do love traditions! At Christmas, we have ham, brussel sprouts, cooked baby carrots and mashed potatoes. On Birthdays we sing "Happy Birthday". In church, we do things a certain way! That's how we have always done it and so that's how we will do it!Christ taught us wonderful things like... give to the poor, visit the sick, visit the prisoners, help others, fast and pray... But, All in All, we are not saved by these things! We are saved by Jesus Christ! Again I say: by Jesus christ!
Ephesians 2: 10 goes on to say that we were created in Christ Jesus FOR good works, but before that it says we are not saved BY them!! Big difference!
We are sinners saved by grace, through faith, in the finished work of Christ!
That's hard to swallow!
Even me, just realizing this, in the inner most recesses of my spirit, will have to think about this for awhile.
This is phenominal - but it is True!!
Going back to Ephesians 2:4 it says," But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us.."
Jesus went to the cross, BECAUSE HE LOVES US! He endured everything " for the joy that was set before Him". That joy is when you and I accept His free salvation - His Gift - the gift of God - and become his child.
The gift of God - not as a result of works, so that no one may boast!