Sunday, November 09, 2008

Don't Bow Down to Idols

What?! I don't bow down to idols! I am not Hindu or Bhuddist (maybe you are). I worship one God - maybe you do too - so we bow down to one God not to many. I bow down to one God. Don't accuse me of having idols. I don't worship Mary or any of the saints. How dare anyone say to me that there may be even a slightest chance that I bow down to anyone or anything but God!
As the main character says in Fiddler on the Roof, "On the other hand." What is really important in my life? Important to the point that, I can't live without it or that, or him/her? What could God take away from you and you would still praise Him - you would still serve Him? Can He strip you of everything like He did to Job in the Bible, in the book of Job, and would you still say, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb and naked shall I return. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." ~Job 1:21~
Job was very, very rich. Mega rich. And it all got destroyed. He had many children. Most of them were killed. He had many servants. Most were killed. Much cattle. All were killed. Then of all things Job got boils all over his body - puss, oozing, and stinking. So his friends mostly also stayed away. His wife said, "Curse God and die." Ouch! What a woman - yuck! Do you know what Job said then? " Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him."
This man was stripped of much that he had worked for, relied on, and loved, but still God was number one. Who or what is number one to you? God wants no one, not even your spouse, your children, your pastor/priest, to be more important to you than he is.
Was it easy for Job? No! Will it be easy for you or me? No! But when we ask the Lord Jesus to help us and when we allow Him to help us, we can daily grow in this area. We can ask the Lord to take the blinders off our "eyes" (our heart).He will! And you know ... He does it in a gentle way, like a very loving Father, because He cares and loves us so very much.

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