What a topic! I hate this topic, because I have been there, done that! Many women have! Of course we hate it, but we must talk about it.
First I want to describe it. It's like a deep , dark cave, or a long dark tunnel or another description I find perfect, is that depression is like those deep dark, crevices that some mountain climbers or mountain skiers fall into. I remember watching a documentary of a young man who had experienced such a fall. His partner couldn't find him up top, and couldn't get a reply from any crevice, so he left! How alone the young man felt! The young man thought and thought of what he was to do, and then finally just used all his strength and the tools he had, to go slowly one step at a time , up the steep ice.
Sometimes when we are down, no one knows what to do with us...so they simply leave us alone. They feel they can't help, or maybe they don't want to help because they don't want to bother. So, we feel so alone.
One thing that is important in the beginning of our slow fall into depression, is to recognize what is happening to us. The Bible says to Give Thanks Always. When I am falling into depression, the last thing I want to do is give thanks. That's my carnal self, wanting to wallow in self pity, because , after all, I deserve some show of pity from others, but they won't give it so I have to pity me, myself and I.
Right at the beginning, Give Thanks. Quote or read some Thanks verses...until you drive the devil crazy and until you are really thankful.
Sing !! But you don't feel like singing! Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Sing a hymn. Hymns have such deep meaning, often. Most of those old hymns talk about the goodness of God, Jesus shed blood, and His great power. Sing...until you feel thankful.
Go talk to someone..even in the grocery store...about the goodness of God. But you say, " How can I talk about the goodness of God when I don't feel that He is being good to me right now?" Talking about God's goodness will change your attitude.
I do not have all the answers...but the Lord and His Word do....and guess what ?...He was touched with the feelings of our infirmaties!! That means that He knows what it is like to be depressed...because He bore all our sins when He was nailed to the cross. Praise the Lord! And do you know what else? Someday we who know Christ, will put off this body with its sins and shortcomings, and corruption , and put on a new self with no corruption! Christ will do that for us.
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